breast cancer


mechanismtreatment Demonstrated benefit and harm k      
aromatase inhibitorsaminoglutethimide

versus estrogen receptor antagonist

No demonstrated result for efficacy

aminoglutethimide inferior to tamoxifen in terms of Objective response (assessable) in Gale, 1994

aminoglutethimide inferior to tamoxifen in terms of Objective response (randomised) in Gale, 1994

aminoglutethimide + tamoxifen inferior to tamoxifen in terms of nausea in Ingle, 1986

aminoglutethimide + tamoxifen inferior to tamoxifen in terms of rash in Ingle, 1986

combination of hormone therapies inferior to tamoxifen in terms of Objective response (assessable) in Powles, 1984

combination of hormone therapies inferior to tamoxifen in terms of nausea in Powles, 1984

combination of hormone therapies inferior to tamoxifen in terms of rash in Powles, 1984

4 trialsmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsaminoglutethimide

versus X

No demonstrated result for efficacy

aminoglutethimide inferior to megestrol acetate in terms of Objective response (randomised) in Russell, 1997

aminoglutethimide inferior to megestrol acetate in terms of rash in Russell, 1997

6 trialsmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsanastrozole

versus different AI

No demonstrated result for efficacy

1 trialmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsanastrozole

versus estrogen receptor antagonist

No demonstrated result for efficacy

anastrozole inferior to tamoxifen in terms of Clinical benefit (assessable) in Milla-Santos, 2003

anastrozole inferior to tamoxifen in terms of Clinical benefit (randomised) in Milla-Santos, 2003

2 trialsmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsanastrozole

versus X

No demonstrated result for efficacy

anastrozole inferior to megestrol acetate in terms of diarrhoea in Buzdar a, 1996

1 trialmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsexemestane

versus different AI

No demonstrated result for efficacy

1 trialmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsexemestane

versus estrogen receptor antagonist

No demonstrated result for efficacy

exemestane inferior to tamoxifen in terms of Objective response (assessable) in Paridaens, 2003

exemestane inferior to tamoxifen in terms of Objective response (randomised) in Paridaens, 2003

1 trialmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsexemestane

versus X

No demonstrated result for efficacy

exemestane inferior to megestrol acetate in terms of vomiting in Kaufmann, 2000

exemestane inferior to megestrol acetate in terms of nausea in Kaufmann, 2000

exemestane inferior to megestrol acetate in terms of hot flushes in Kaufmann, 2000

1 trialmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsfadrozole

versus estrogen receptor antagonist

No demonstrated result for efficacy

2 trialsmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsfadrozole

versus X

No demonstrated result for efficacy

fadrozole inferior to megestrol acetate in terms of nausea in Buzdar b, 1996

fadrozole inferior to megestrol acetate in terms of vomiting in Buzdar c, 1996

fadrozole inferior to megestrol acetate in terms of nausea in Buzdar c, 1996

3 trialsmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsformestane

versus different AI

No demonstrated result for efficacy

1 trialmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsformestane

versus estrogen receptor antagonist

No demonstrated result for efficacy

1 trialmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsformestane

versus X

No demonstrated result for efficacy

2 trialsmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsletrozole

versus combination

No demonstrated result for efficacy

1 trialmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsletrozole

versus different AI

No demonstrated result for efficacy

letrozole inferior to anastrozole in terms of Objective response (assessable) in Rose, 2003

letrozole inferior to anastrozole in terms of Objective response (randomised) in Rose, 2003

letrozole inferior to fadrozole in terms of Objective response (assessable) in Tominaga, 2003

letrozole inferior to fadrozole in terms of Objective response (randomised) in Tominaga, 2003

3 trialsmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsletrozole

versus estrogen receptor antagonist

No demonstrated result for efficacy

letrozole inferior to tamoxifen in terms of Clinical benefit (assessable) in Mourisden, 2001

letrozole inferior to tamoxifen in terms of Objective response (assessable) in Mourisden, 2001

letrozole inferior to tamoxifen in terms of diarrhoea in Mourisden, 2001

letrozole inferior to tamoxifen in terms of Objective response (randomised) in Mourisden, 2001

letrozole inferior to tamoxifen in terms of Clinical benefit (randomised) in Mourisden, 2001

1 trialmeta-analysis
aromatase inhibitorsletrozole

versus X

No demonstrated result for efficacy

2 trialsmeta-analysis
HER2 inhibitorspertuzumab


No demonstrated result for efficacy

1 trialmeta-analysis
HER2 inhibitorstrastuzumab


No demonstrated result for efficacy

11 trialsmeta-analysis